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SDA Projemiz 6 ve 7 Haziran günlerinde Braga’da (Portekiz) gerçekleşecek: I HIBA Sınır Ötesi Maratonu “Tarımsal Gıda Sektöründe Dijitalleşme” konferansında. Proje ortağımız Finnova tarafından projemizin amaçları, hedefleri ve çıktıları sunuldu.
DIGITALISATION IN AGRICULTURE UNDER DEBATE IN BRAGA (PORTUGAL) • 1st HIBA Cross-border Marathon at the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory. • The conference is organised in the framework of the project. • Patricia Tejada, EU Project manager at Finnova, presents the SDA project. During the days of today and tomorrow, 6 and 7 June, is taking place in Braga (Portugal) the: I HIBA Cross-border Marathon “Digitalisation in the agri-food sector”. A day and a half to address digitisation in the agricultural sector with the help of several experts, share experiences and examples of good practices and create synergies between actors and projects in the sector. The day began with a seminar on #fondoseuropeos, in which different European programmes of interest to the sector such as LIFE, Erasmus + and the Interreg Spain-Portugal programme (POCTEP) were discussed. There was also space to share innovative projects in the agricultural sector, such as the Smart and Digital Agriculture – SDA – project. Our partners from Finnova have been able to present the #SDA – Smart and Digital Agriculture project and share with the rest of the participants training and innovation opportunities in the field of agriculture. As mentioned by Patricia Tejada, EU Project Manager at Finnova, SDA is based on the premise of reducing the youth unemployment rate and increasing competitiveness in agriculture through innovation. The conference is organised in the framework of the Interreg Poctep HIBA project whose objective is to promote a Pluri-regional ecosystem in Agrodigitalisation based on the creation of a Network of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) that fosters business initiative, competitiveness and sustainability, favouring the post-Covid19 economic reactivation.@ulusalajans @finnova_eu #SDAprojecteu #SmartandDigitalAgriculture